Small migratory birds travel thousands of kilometers between the breeding and wintering areas while crossing seas and deserts. In this project you will conduct research to answer how do they complete such amazing migrations. We are looking for a motivated student interested in animal migration that would like to investigate patterns about bird migration using multisensor data loggers. These loggers have opened many possibilities for studying bird migration, as they can tell us about when birds fly, the amount of time spent airborne, how high up they fly and where do they go, among other things. There are many intriguing questions that can be answered with this type of data, and it is up to you, the student (with input from the supervisors), to decide which question(s) to address. Get in touch with us and we will discuss the existing possibilities.
What we offer:
- A Master´s project or “Applied work in biology” (if only interested in the field season).
- Accommodation at Stensoffa between mid-May until mid-June.
- Data from loggers already collected last year to start working on your research questions.
This project will suit you if:
- You would like to do fieldwork with birds.
- Want to work with novel multisensor loggers that provide many possibilities for studying various aspects of bird migration.
What to expect:
- Exciting project where you will ask questions yourself about the whereabouts of migratory birds.
- Learn how to set up nets and ring birds.
- Fieldwork around Lund, recapturing and deploying multisensor data loggers in thrush nightingales (Luscinia Luscinia).
- Learning about statistics and project management while developing your own research ideas.
Start: Spring 2024 (May)
Pablo Macías Torres, PhD student
Anders Hedenström