Green Infrastructure (GI) is widely adopted by policymakers and practitioners as a form of Nature-based solution (NbS) to help restore nature and boost biodiversity, …
Posts in Biology
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More than 80% of all animal life are insects and most of this diversity stems from a single monophyletic innovation ca. 320 million years …
It is becoming abundantly clear that wild and domesticated bees are surprisingly sensitive to global warming, heatwaves, and droughts – all hallmarks of climate …
Unlike mammals, birds have nucleated red blood cells that retain almost all functional organelles in the mature state. Amongst these are the mitochondria – …
Mammals have a form of internal heat production localised to their mitochondria, which they ramp up in the cold. This heat production is localised …
Songbirds rely on an endogenous program to follow species-specific routes and schedule their migrations to the annual cycle. The expression of the migration program …
Migratory birds use daylength, or photoperiod, to align their migration schedules to the annual cycle, and global climate change is shifting temperature gradients towards …
The tawny owl (Swedish: kattuggla; Strix aluco) is one of our most common top predators occurring in a range of landscapes including urban, agricultural …
Increasing evidence suggests that the community of microbes located within the gastrointestinal tract of vertebrates, known as the “gut microbiome”, is a crucial determinant …
Terrestrial isopods are important detritivores, contributing to essential ecosystem services by breaking down plant material and recycling nutrients. Due to their ancestry (they are …
Are you interested in doing your Master’s project in pollination ecology, climate change, and computer vision? Join exciting research and friendly team as part …
The underlying causes of the global decline of wild bees is important to understand because bees are essential for pollination of both crops and …
The magnificent antlers of the deer family Cervidae represent one of the classic examples of evolution of an exaggerated character through sexual selection. Empirical …
Insects are the most species-rich group of organisms on Earth. It has long been suggested that evolution of the wing played a crucial role …
Multiple species of fungi coexist in soil. They constantly engage in warfare for food sources and territory, and have developed different strategies to survive …
Every year long-distance migratory birds fly thousands of kilometres, crossing desserts and seas, when flying back and forth between their breeding and wintering areas. …
The quality of food has large effects on animals' ability to cope with different environmental challenges, such as temperature. In particular, the composition of …
Environmental temperature is a key parameter that can affects both the external and internal morphology of birds’ bodies. However, there are few data that …
Animals constantly process environmental information to carry out routine activities such as locating food, selecting habitat, recognizing mates, finding prey and avoiding predators in …
Male-limit sexual signals are often thought to impact fitness by increasing his attractiveness or competitive abilities. In a colorful and sexually dimorphic group of …