Biology Education

Department of Biology | Lund University

Single cell sequencing of limb regeneration

Salamanders are the only vertebrates able to regenerate their limbs. The cellular mechanisms that enable this remarkable process are just beginning to be elucidated. This beginning has been enabled by single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) and that it be used in any species of interest. Our lab has spearheaded scRNAseq in the salamander limb. We are now trying to determine how unique the cells are within the salamander. More specifically, do salamander harbor unique cell types that enable regeneration? This project relies on scRNAseq to try and answer this questions. A major strength of scRNAseq is that it allows for powerful cross species comparisons. Within this project the student will integrate scRNAseq datasets across species, working to identify how cells of the salamander compare to cells from various regeneration-component and regeneration-incompetent species. The opportunity to work in both R or python is available.

MSc project 30-60cr

Required skills: basic knowledge of R and/or python.

Contact: Nicholas Leigh (

January 17, 2024

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Bioinformatics Molecular Biology