Ectomycorrhizal fungi form symbiotic relationships with trees, playing a pivotal role in forest ecosystems by enhancing plant nutrient uptake in exchange for carbon from …
Songbirds rely on an endogenous program to follow species-specific routes and schedule their migrations to the annual cycle. Due to competition, birds are often …
Current research interests centre for primary health care research (CPF) laboratory CPF experimental research laboratory is part of Center for primary health care research …
The main goal of the project is to process microscope images of fungal mycelium and conduct dimensionality reduction and hierarchical clustering to find out …
The task is to develop and make publicly available a web application that allows anyone to calculate population trends based on systematic monitoring data …
The evolutionary ecology of cognition and memory in Caenorhabditis worms We have two MSc projects (45-60 credits each) to investigate the evolution and ecology …
Cancers are bad, but why do they occur? The prevalence of cancer, or malignant neoplasia, varies across and within species. Theories argue that life-history …
We are looking for a highly motivated project student with a specific interest in bioinformatics, omics profiling and immunology, to join our highly cooperative …
The most well-known life-history trade-off involves the survival cost of reproduction – reproduction (e.g., fertility, number of eggs) is commonly ‘costly’ in terms of …
Aim: The water flea, Polyphemus, uses its large, highly specialised eye to hunt for prey and navigate its habitat. They live in freshwater lakes …