Sandy grasslands are important habitats for a number of threatened species, including wild bees, butterflies and beetles. Many of these species are declining as …
Small migratory birds travel thousands of kilometers between the breeding and wintering areas while crossing seas and deserts. In this project you will conduct …
Sandiga gräsmarker utgör viktiga livsmiljöer för ett flertal hotade arter, så som vildbin, fjärilar och skalbaggar. En minskning av arter knutna till dessa livsmiljöer …
Bombus sylvarum is a small bumblebee species which has a melanistic morph in southern Sweden. However, further north in Sweden it can be found …
Flower color is one of the most striking traits to attract pollinators and it varies between species and populations. Pollinators may have preferences for …
The tumor microenvironment (TME) is a complex and dynamic landscape that plays a pivotal role in the progression and behavior of cancer. Comprising various …
The underlying causes of the global decline of wild bees is important to understand because bees are essential for pollination of both crops and …
In a bluetit population situated outside Lund the prevalence of blood parasites has increased in the population from around 45% in 1996 to over …
Pesticides play a crucial role in our environment and are essential for sustaining food production. However, our understanding of the impact pesticides can have …
In the last few decades, the populations of several wild bird species decreased dramatically worldwide. This is due to many factors associated with urbanization, …