Biology Education

Department of Biology | Lund University

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Vision in Changing Waters – How do predatory zooplankton adapt to variable and changing light environments?


The water flea, Polyphemus, uses its large, highly specialised eye to hunt for prey and navigate its habitat. They live in freshwater lakes that can vary tremendously in colour, clarity, and brightness. These habitats are also impacted by human activity that further changes their light conditions. This project aims to explore the capabilities of Polyphemus to adapt their visual system to these dynamic and challenging conditions. 


Projects of varying lengths are available and potential techniques may include behavioural experiments, molecular characterization of visual gene expression, environmental light measurement, and anatomical investigations.



Dr. Michael Bok

Biologihuset B320

August 27, 2024

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Biology Molecular Biology


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Nanoplastic pollution in subsurface environments  – Nanoplastic-Fungi interaction

Fungi can tidy up nanoplastics form their surrounding! We recently found that nanoplastics stick to hyphae of certain fungi. You wonder if that is common, and how much plastics they can clean out in groundwater ecosystems or soil water environments? Me too! But not just us, also the scientific community is in urgent need to know more about the transport mechanisms of nanoplastic in soils and groundwater environments. This will help to understand the impact of nanoplastic to terrestrial environments. Such knowledge can eventually be used to protect drinking water resources from contamination. And fungi are a big part of those environments, too.

Project 1: groundwater environments:

Study the interaction between nanoplastic and a commonly found fungal group of Saprotrophs (Trichoderma) in mineral soil and groundwater aquifers analogs.

You will study this interaction in batch adsorption studies, in microfluidic chips or sediment transport columns. mimicking groundwater aquifer environments. As aquifer material analogs we use glass beads, quartz sand, Goethite and Kaolinite.

Project 2: soil environments:

Study the interaction between nanoplastic and an Ectomycorrhizal fungi (Hebeloma), which is part of the upper soil layers in an soil analog.

You will study this interaction in batch adsorption studies, in microfluidic chips or sediment transport columns. mimicking shallow soil environments. As soil analog material we use glass beads, quartz sand, Goethite and Kaolinite.

Training includes:

Fungal microbiology, nanoparticle transport, absorbance/ fluorescence spectroscopy/ nanoparticle characterization methods (NTA/DLS/Zetapotential), confocal microscopy, microfluidic chips, contaminant tracer tests

What you know when you are done:

  • Basics in contaminant transport in groundwater systems
  • Inspiration for fungal remediation techniques
  • Experience in an interdisciplinary method toolbox to assess nanoscale transport processes (particles, pathogens, solute transport)
  • You could work on securing clean drinking water for future generations!

Are you interested?

Just contact me by email

You will be supervised by me, Sascha Müller and Edith Hammer.,se

August 27, 2024

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Alzheimer disease in the diabetes subtypes

Metabolic syndrome and diabetes are associated with an increased incidence of dementia. Based on our previous work on memory impairment in diabetes models, and published evidence pointing at a close link between insulin resistance and Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias (e.g. De Felice et al., Nat Rev Neurosci 2022; Duarte, Biochem Soc Trans 2023), we hypothesize that the severe insulin-resistant diabetes (SIRD) group is at a higher risk of developing neurological disorders with cognitive impairment. Other neurodegenerative diseases have also been reported to share molecular mechanisms with diabetes.

The overall purpose of this project is to determine whether any of the diabetes subtypes reported previously by Ahlqvist et al. (Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2018) has a particularly high incidence of dementia. We will work on data available from ANDIS (All New Diabetics In Scania), which is a large diabetes cohort started in 2008, with the purpose of studying diabetes heterogeneity. This project will contribute to the introduction of precision medicine in diabetes by understanding whether any of the diabetes subgroups has a specific risk of developing neurodegenerative disorders. 


We welcome MSc students with an interest in bioinformatics and the interaction between metabolic and neurological diseases. Training/knowledge of programming (R or python) is desired. Recommended project length is 30-60 ECTS.


Joao Duarte, Diabetes and Brain Function, BMC, Lund

Rashmi Prasad, Genetics and Diabetes, CRC, Malmö


Joao Duarte,

June 28, 2024

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Polygenic scores, early life factors and precision medicine

Diabetes is a multi-organ disease which is heterogeneous in manifestation. Our group discovered 5 subtypes of diabetes in the Swedish ANDIS study that showed different risk for complications and treatment and were also partially different genetically. These subgroups were replicated in the Indian and other populations. In the current project, we aim to further investigate the genetic aetiology of these subgroups by applying polygenic scores to an Indian cohort. Further, we aim to assess if risk for T2D and its subgroups can be predicted by testing these polygenic scores in a birth cohort.

In this project, we will work closely with international projects on T2D genetics to facilitate learning, collaborations and to increase the availability of data for the project. Overall, this project will contribute to the understanding of T2D and its subgroups in diverse populations and can help pave the way for development of predictive, preventative, and new therapeutic approaches in T2D.


We welcome students with an interest in genetics, bioinformatics and metabolic diseases. It’s an advantage, but not a prerequisite, if the intended student has prior experience with coding and bioinformatics. Recommended project length is 45-60 ECTS.


Rashmi Prasad, Associate Professor in Diabetes and Genetics


Genetics and Diabetes, CRC, Malmö

For more information, please contact the project supervisor at:

June 19, 2024

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SarcDBase: a workflow for detection of genetic alterations in sarcoma.

Today we have the technology to identify almost any genetic alteration in cancer genomes. However, we still lack efficient bioinformatic tools that can help us extract biologically important mutations from background noise, both in clinical diagnostics and basic science.


  • Develop a user-friendly and accessible application that enables data integration, matching mutations identified in tumor genomes with information available in literature and relevant databases.
  • Automatic connection of genetic information from public sources to specific genetic changes found in the tumor samples.
  • Integration of input formatting for the app.

Expected Results
This project will integrate genomic and transcriptomic information to extract previously reported and novel genetic alterations. It will be designed for medical staff and biologists without the need for advanced bioinformatics skills and can thereby be used without previous knowledge in bioinformatics. The connection of genetic information from public sources to specific genetic changes will remove the need for users to have prior knowledge or manually sift through data, which can be overwhelming and biased.

Project requirement
The project is set at the Division of Clinical Genetics at Lund University, in a unique multidisciplinary environment, fusing biology, bioinformatics, and medicine. We are looking for an ambitious student in data science, machine learning, computational science, bioinformatics, or a related field. You must have experience in programming languages such as Python, R, Java and/or other, as well as familiarity with bioinformatics tools and databases.

Valeria Difilippo,


May 23, 2024

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Monitoring populations by fishing gear – A camera study of the Europeanlobster (30 – 60 hp)

The European lobster (Homarus gammarus) occurs along the entire Swedish west coast down to the northern part of the Sound, and lives mainly on rocky substrates in crevices and dugouts between rocks and gravel. The lobster population along the Swedish coast is considered to be one single stock, but large local differences in density may occur. Fishing for European lobster is extensive, but catch per effort (the number of lobsters caught per pot) decreased sharply during the 1950s and 1960s and has since remained at a stable low level according to catch data from lobster fishermen in Bohuslän. New legislation limiting the lobster fishery was passed in 2017, yet the stock is still considered to be overfished: The overall stock analysis (Fish Barometer 2024) indicates high fishing mortality over long periods, and low productivity, with the result that the stock is not within safe biological limits. To provide management with a strong basis for decision-making, we are working to increase the knowledge of European lobster biology and behavior.

Every year, the Department of Aquatic Resources (SLU Aqua) conducts a lobster survey in both no-take and fished areas to provide fisheries independent data on biological parameters of the Swedish lobster population. In addition to SLU’s survey, volunteer fishermen participate in the citizen science project; LOBSERVE, which enables the collection of catch data and size along a larger geographical area. Lobster catch can be used as an index of density, and thus of stock status, and can be compared between areas and over time if the fishing is standardized and carried out at the same time of year. If a pot is left fishing (soaked) for a longer period, the pot will eventually be saturated as lobsters are no longer attracted to the bait or choose not to enter due to e.g., competition. CPUE needs to be standardized to soak time to be comparable. With the help of a camera study, we want to find out what happens at and around the cage. We want to investigate questions such asks and gravel. The lobster population along the Swedish coast is considered to be one single stock, but large local differences in density may occur. Fishing for European
lobster is extensive, but catch per effort (the number of lobsters caught per pot) decreased sharply during the 1950s and 1960s and has since remained at a stable low level according to catch data from lobster fishermen in Bohuslän. New legislation limiting the lobster fishery was passed in 2017, yet the stock is still considered to be overfished: The overall stock analysis (Fish Barometer 2024) indicates high fishing mortality over long periods, and low productivity, with the result that the stock is not within safe biological limits. To provide management with a strong basis for decision-making, we are working to increase the knowledge of European lobster biology and behavior.

Every year, the Department of Aquatic Resources (SLU Aqua) conducts a lobster survey in both no-take and fished areas to provide fisheries independent data on biological parameters of the Swedish lobster population. In addition to SLU’s survey, volunteer fishermen participate in the citizen science project; LOBSERVE, which enables the collection of catch data and size along a larger geographical area. Lobster catch can be used as an index of density, and thus of stock status, and can be compared between areas and over time if the fishing is standardized and carried out at the same time of year. If a pot is left fishing (soaked) for a longer period, the pot will eventually be saturated as lobsters are no longer attracted to the bait or choose not to enter due to e.g., competition. CPUE needs to be standardized to soak time to be comparable. With the help of a camera study, we want to find out what happens at and around the cage. We want to investigate questions such as:

  • What influences a lobster to enter a pot?
  • At what rate is a pot getting saturated?
  • At what point do lobsters stop entering the cage?
  • Do lobsters’ propensity to enter a cage with other lobsters differ between fished and
    no-take areas?

We offer the opportunity to do a degree project with focus on European lobsters, using camera-rigged pots to study the behavior of lobsters around pots and also factors leading to saturation of pots. We are looking for a highly motivated student with an interest in fisheries ecology and animal behavior. Experience with dynamic modelling and R is an advantage. The work includes fieldwork, analysis of collected video material and data analysis. SLU’s lobster survey occurs in Lysekil in August 2024, and the student will be part of the crew while deploying the lobster pots rigged for video.

Contact: Hege Sande, or Andreas Sundelöf,

For more information:–daligt-ar-for-hummern/

May 3, 2024

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Population genetic structure of the rare pine wood-living longhorn beetle Tragosoma depsarium in Sweden – relations to forest composition and management history?

Would you like to contribute to our understanding of the effects of human activities on species genetic diversity? Why not join our team to study the impact of forest management on an endangered saproxylic beetle?

Forestry is a source of renewable raw materials and bioenergy but also has a key role in the conservation of insects and other organisms attached to dead wood. However, the Swedish Forestry Agency’s forecasts showed that many biologically valuable forest types, including older pine forests, risk being displaced by more homogeneous forest landscapes dominated by younger, dense stands of spruce. Wood-living insects represent excellent indicators of biodiversity in forestry and nature conservation. In pine forests, the rare pine wood-living longhorn beetle Tragosoma depsarium has great potential as a signal species for valuable habitats and is a Swedish conservation priority species. It has specific habitat requirements, especially in sunlit older pine forests, developing on coarse, dead pine logs, and has an important role in the ecosystem by breaking down deadwood. However, little information is known on its true distribution and population abundance in relation to available deadwood substrates. The species likely has a highly fragmented population distribution in major parts of Sweden, due to fragmentation of its habitat though modern forestry. T. depsarium could thus represent an ideal model species to study the effects of habitat fragmentation on genetic diversity and gene flow, as we now have excellent tools for systematic monitoring and collection:

We seek motivated Masters students to join our project which intends to (i) describe the genetic diversity and population structure of T. depsarium in Sweden and (ii) determine if populations have suffered loss of genetic diversity due to forest management and isolation. During the summer 2021, the geographic distribution of the beetle in Sweden was assessed at a large scale through extensive pheromone trapping, and several populations were sampled along its distribution range. DNA was extracted for each individual and sent for RAD sequencing. The student will have the opportunity to analyse RADseq data from raw data to more advanced analyses, including population genetics. The study could be performed as a standalone bioinformatics study based on existing RADseq data, but also include hands-on experience with field sampling and DNA extraction techniques based on additional studies that will be performed in 2024. The results will be useful for implementing more efficient conservation management strategies for this beetle in Sweden.

This project is a collaboration between researchers at SLU and the University of Helsinki. The project also includes continued pheromone-based surveys and landscape studies of T. depsarium, which will be pursued in parallel conservation projects in 2024.

Duration and credits

Bioinformatics studies on sequenced materials could start immediately, as early as possible from April. If you would be interested in getting involved in active sampling and DNA extractions, the best sampling time is generally during July with preparations starting in late May or early June. Laboratory work with samples could start in the autumn semester in September. Credits: Masters corresponding to 30-45 credits.

Required qualifications and learning goals

You have a keen interest in evolutionary ecology, genetics and conservation biology. Through this project you have the opportunity to develop your skills and experience in practical entomology and field sampling, hands-on genetic techniques, bioinformatics, biological conservation, population genetics and other statistical analyses. You don’t need prior experience from bioinformatics. The work environment will be in English. The project has already started but you will have the opportunity to suggest studies and approaches of your own interest!


Contact Audrey Bras, Research Centre for Ecological Changes, University of Helsinki, Finland (

or Mattias Larsson ( for more information.

April 25, 2024

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Microclimates and pollinators in semi-natural grasslands

We are seeking a Master’s student for a 30, 45, or 60 credit thesis opportunity starting Spring / Summer 2024 to explore the relationship between ambient weather conditions, floral microclimates and resources, and pollinators. Field work will involve floral resource collection and pollinator identification and sampling.


Climate change is increasing the frequency and magnitude of heat waves, a cause of severe stress to insect pollinator communities. Pollinators can to some extent self-regulate their body temperatures but are also known to depend on their thermal environment. However, conservation efforts to mitigate the impact of heatwaves on biodiversity and related ecosystem services are still lacking.

Semi-natural grasslands are habitats which provide diverse resources for insect pollinator nesting and foraging. These grasslands can vary in characteristics such as topographic orientation, tree and shrub cover, and types of vegetation, all of which can create microclimates which buffer or amplify ambient temperatures. We hope to determine which landscape features, via their influence on microclimate, are related to pollinator distribution and behavior.

Project description:

In this project we will evaluate the potential of microclimates created by heterogeneity in semi-natural grassland vegetation and topography as buffers against high ambient temperature conditions and a means of environmental temperature regulation for pollinators. We will use unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to capture the microclimates, vegetation structure, and terrain of semi-natural grasslands. We will explore pollinator distribution, behavior, and activity in relation to these microclimates and determine the effect of microclimates on floral resource quality and plant surface temperatures.

You will join us in the field in identifying pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hoverflies, as well as taking measurements and samples from flowering plants. You will learn to develop a research question of your own within the project framework and develop important scientific skills as part of your Master’s studies. 


Are you interested?

If you would like to know more about this position and working with insect pollinators please contact Arrian Karbassioon ( and William Sidemo Holm ( for more information. 

April 23, 2024

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Do heat waves limit bird activity? (lab work with birds)

The Heat Dissipation Limit (HDL) hypothesis posits that animals are limited by their ability to dissipate heat when they are active. Even moderately warmer temperatures may restrain the possibility for animals to perform work. When animals reach a certain body temperature, they will stop or limit activity to cool down and to prevent overheating. This means that global climate change could have large implications for bird fitness, since strenuous activity is often required for raising offspring, foraging, and predator avoidance. You will test the Heat Dissipation Limit hypothesis experimentally in captive zebra finches at the ecology building at Lund University.

To do this, you will investigate how varying ambient temperatures affect maximum exercise-induced metabolic rate (MMR) of zebra finches in the lab using respirometry. The body temperature of zebra finches can be monitored continuously with an implanted temperature logger. Additional experiments or treatments can be added according to your interests.

This project is suitable for a masters project (30 – 60 credit) or the 15 credit course “Applied work in biology”

You will gain experience in:

  • Handling birds
  • Caring for captive birds
  • Respirometry methods
  • Biometric data loggers
  • Developing and managing an experiment
  • Hypothesis testing in ecophysiology
  • Statistics


Start: Preferably Summer 2024 (May or June) but could also start in the autumn semester (August or September).



April 18, 2024

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Thesis project in Neurogenetics at the Faculty of Medicine

Maria Swanberg, Senior Lecturer in Translational Neuroscience Kajsa Atterling Brolin, Postdoctoral Fellow

Translational Neurogenetics Unit, Wallenberg Neuroscience Center, BMC, Lund

Project description
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder affecting over six million people worldwide. It is characterized by a progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in the
substantia nigra, resulting in motor symptoms such as slowness of movements (bradykinesia), rigidity, and tremor. Also, less visible symptoms such as cognitive impairment and sleep problems are prevalent. There are no treatments to stop the progression of the disease and medications available as of today can only partly treat the symptoms.

It is not fully understood why some individuals develop PD as the etiology – the cause(s) of the disease – is complex and involves a combination of genetic and non-genetic factors, such as environmental and lifestyle factors. The genetic contributors to PD exist across a
continuum, ranging from causal and highly penetrant genetic variants (mutations) causing monogenic PD, to common variants with small effect sizes associated with an increased
disease risk. Known monogenic variants explain only a fraction of the observed PD in
families and known common risk variants explain only up to 36% of the heritable PD risk in the population. This means that a considerable large part of the genetic component in PD
remains unknown.

In this project, we aim to further investigate the genetic contributors to PD risk and
progression by investigating genetic data from individuals with and without PD using various bioinformatic methods. We work closely with large international projects on PD genetics to facilitate learning, collaborations and to increase the availability of data for the project.
Overall, this project will contribute to the understanding of PD and can help pave the way for development of predictive, preventative, and new therapeutic approaches in PD.

We welcome students with an interest in genetics, bioinformatics and neurodegenerative disease. It’s an advantage, but not a prerequisite, if the intended student has prior
experience with coding and bioinformatics. Recommended project length is 45-60 ECTS.

For more information, contact the project supervisors at:

April 4, 2024

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Bioinformatics Molecular Biology


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