Biology Education

Department of Biology | Lund University

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Mineral-associated organic matter formation

Soils are the largest organic carbon reservoir in terrestrial ecosystems, storing carbon as organic matter derived from decomposed plant, microbial, and animal residues that resist microbial decomposition. Recent research has revealed that organic molecules adsorbed onto soil mineral nanoparticles, such as iron and aluminum oxides, form the most stable and persistent pool of organic carbon in soils. However, the environmental factors driving the formation and destabilization of mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM) remain poorly understoodIn boreal and subarctic regions, climate change is causing trees and shrubs to encroach upon tundra ecosystems, leading to significant decreases in soil organic carbon stocks. While most studies have focused on the organic layers of soils—primarily composed of particulate plant residues—there is limited knowledge about how changes in vegetation types affect organic carbon stored in the mineral soil layers as MAOM.

This project aims to understand how the progression of trees and shrubs affects MAOM processes in subarctic soils. To achieve this, we will utilize a natural ecotone from dwarf birch forest to tundra in the Swedish subarctic as our study site. By employing a new probe system, we will quantify MAOM formation and destabilization rates across this gradient. We will then compare these rates with various plant parameters (such as species composition, and tree density), soil parameters (including organic matter stocks, pH, moisture, and temperature), and microbial parameters (bacterial and fungal community diversity and composition). This project aims to identify the abiotic and biotic drivers influencing MAOM processes in subarctic mineral soils.


  • Analyze MAOM probes to determine stabilization and destabilization rates.
  • Assess plant parameters to evaluate their influence on MAOM processes.
  • Measure soil parameters to determine their effect on MAOM processes.
  • Examine soil microbial parameters to understand their role in MAOM processes.

Skills and techniques acquired

  • Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.
  • Stable isotope tracing using ¹³C and ¹⁵N isotopes.
  • Soil organic matter fractionation techniques.
  • Bacterial and fungal metabarcoding to determine soil microbial community composition.
  • Advanced statistical analysis and data visualization.

Application process

October 29, 2024

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Mycorrhizal fungi nutrient acquisition

Ectomycorrhizal fungi form symbiotic relationships with trees, playing a pivotal role in forest ecosystems by enhancing plant nutrient uptake in exchange for carbon from photosynthesis. Unlike most mycorrhizal fungi that transfer inorganic nutrients to their host plants, ectomycorrhizal fungi have the unique ability to acquire nutrients—particularly nitrogen—directly from soil organic matter. This process allows them to bypass the typical nutrient mineralization pathways in soils.
In boreal forests, where nutrients predominantly exist in organic forms, the capacity of ectomycorrhizal fungi to access organic nitrogen is especially critical. However, despite their ecological importance, there is limited understanding of the efficiency and mechanisms of organic nitrogen acquisition among the diverse species of ectomycorrhizal fungi. This knowledge gap stems from their high diversity; ectomycorrhizal symbiosis has evolved independently over 80 times, resulting in up to 20,000 different species.

The project aims to phenotype a diverse collection of ectomycorrhizal fungi in vitro, encompassing over 50 different genera. By assessing their growth performance on various organic nitrogen sources, quantifying enzyme production that facilitates nutrient acquisition, and analyzing modifications of organic matter induced by fungal activity, this project seeks to evaluate the efficiencies and mechanisms used by ectomycorrhizal fungi for organic nitrogen acquisition. Ultimately, this work will connect the functional diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi with soil biogeochemical cycles.


  • Cultivation of fungi: Grow cultures on media containing different organic nitrogen sources.
  • Biomass measurement: Quantify fungal growth and nitrogen uptake.
  • Enzyme assays: Use fluorometric and colorimetric methods to measure enzyme activity.
  • Spectroscopy analysis: Employ Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) to characterize
    changes in organic matter.
  • Data interpretation: Analyze results to determine nutrient acquisition strategies among
    various fungal taxa.

Skills and techniques acquired

  • Fungal microbiology: Sterile techniques, media preparation, and high-throughput in vitro
  • Enzymology: Performing and interpreting enzyme assays.
  • Spectroscopy: Utilizing FTIR spectroscopy for organic matter characterization.
  • Data Analysis: Statistical analysis and scientific interpretation of experimental data.

 Application process

October 29, 2024

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Sick or healthy? How do parasites affect the migratory phenotype of songbirds?

Songbirds rely on an endogenous program to follow species-specific routes and schedule their migrations to the annual cycle. Due to competition, birds are often under time stress to complete their migrations, especially in spring when they are heading to the breeding areas. How birds are affected by parasites on migration and in particular, if fueling and expression of migratory activity potentially leading to slower migration speeds decrease in sick birds compared to healthy birds is not well known. We have collected fueling and activity data from a number of migratory songbird species in controlled experiments, from which we have blood samples that will be analyzed with respect to prevalence of avian malaria parasites. We hypothesize that migratory songbirds are affected by chronic avian malaria infections and will show decreased levels of fueling and migratory activity recorded by films.

We aim to test the hypothesis that songbirds can adjust their schedule of migratory fueling, migration activity and orientation to parasite load by exploring already collected data potentially in combination with new data collected during the study period. We are looking for a dedicated master’s student to conduct the avian malaria genotyping and analyses of behavioural and ecophysiological data collected in controlled experiments. There is a possibility to collect additional experimental data during spring or autumn.

Labwork and potential fieldwork starts: Autumn 2024/Spring 2025.

If understanding how songbirds are affected by parasites on migration excites you, then this may be your master’s project.

Please, contact Susanne Åkesson (migration phenotype, behavioural data) or Helena Westerdahl (genetics) for more information.

Professor Susanne Åkesson, Department of Biology

Professor Helena Westerdahl, Department of Biology

October 28, 2024

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Diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for chronic diseases commonly diagnosed in primary health care.

Current research interests centre for primary health care research (CPF) laboratory

CPF experimental research laboratory is part of Center for primary health care research ( It was established with a goal to understand the pathophysiology of common diseases diagnosed in primary health care and to develop diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for risk assessment and prevention of chronic diseases, commonly diagnosed in primary health care.

Research focus

Our focus is mitochondrial genetic and epigenetic changes, their interaction with nuclear genome, and mitochondrial dysfunction in chronic diseases and aging.

The goal of our research is to identify diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for common chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, type 2 diabetes mellitus; mental disorders etc. We use clinical samples such as serum/plasma, biopsies and whole blood for analysis and large databases, which include clinical information on patients.

MSc students

We often have thesis projects for master’s students within the projects conducted in our group. Please, contact Ashfaque Memon ( or Kristina Sundquist ( or Xiao wang ( for more details.

October 10, 2024

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Molecular Biology


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Explore Fungal Behavior through Image Analysis and Machine Learning

The main goal of the project is to process microscope images of fungal mycelium and conduct dimensionality reduction and hierarchical clustering to find out hidden traits of hyphal growth behaviours.


Fungal behavior, especially at the microscopic hyphal level, remains largely unexplored due to the difficulty of studying fungi in natural environments like the opaque soil matrix. We are addressing this challenge by monitoring the growth patterns and strategies of various fungal species using a microfabricated “Soil Chip” system. This system simulates key aspects of soil pore space and its micro-spatial heterogeneity.

However, the human interpretation of mycelial growth is limited and subjective. We aim to use machine learning to uncover hidden patterns in hyphal growth behaviour. A major challenge in this work is highlighting hyphae in microscopy images, as they occupy only a small portion of the visual data. Without careful preprocessing, algorithms tend to focus on artificial structures instead of the hyphae themselves.

As part of this project, you will focus on preprocessing these microscope images to extract hyphal features for further analysis, including dimensionality reduction and hierarchical clustering. A basic knowledge of Python coding is essential.

This project is interdisciplinary task within biology and engineering. You will primarily work with Dr. Kristin Aleklett, Dr. Hanbang Zou. This project is designed for a MSc student (optimally 60 cr).

Start Date: Flexible

Contact information:

Hanbang Zou: or Kristin Aleklett

October 8, 2024

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Bioinformatics Biology


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R – Shiny App – Web application for bird monitoring

The task is to develop and make publicly available a web application that allows anyone to calculate population trends based on systematic monitoring data of Swedish birds and mammals.

The task relates to official national environmental monitoring in Sweden. The Swedish Bird Survey (“Svensk Fågeltaxering”) is a monitoring program run at Lund University, commissioned by the Swedish Environmental Protection Board (“Naturvårdsverket”). The overall mission is to find out how the Swedish birds and mammals are doing – which species are increasing, which are declining?
Hundreds of volunteers count birds and mammals at the same sites year after year after fixed protocols and then report to our central office that analyse how the number of birds and mammals changes over time. For this we use a statistical tool called TRIM (Trends & Indices in Monitoring Data), which is used widely within the European bird monitoring community. We already use a local and customized version of an R Shiny app (rTrim), but it needs to be modified and completed. Following that, we want to make the app publicly available in a web application that allows anyone to calculate population trends based on systematic monitoring data from our databases, for any combination of species, geographical area and time period.

There are several reasons why we ask for help. First, it will help us in our internal work. Second, people from other authorities, as well as the public, have asked for the possibility for anyone to calculate a population trend. Third, it will increase the use and awareness of monitoring data in an era where biodiversity is under increasing pressure.
We think it is an interesting, useful and suitable task for a student project. The project will be supervised by the researchers who have been using the existing app for year, and by our IT staff.

What to do?

  • Adapt the app to a new data source
  • Add new features, especially concerning the presentation of the statistical results
  • Deploy the app on a public environment

A student with good knowledge in R and basics in web languages (html, css). An interest or a background in biology is most likely a bonus, but not crucial.

When and for how long ?
The project can start any time soon, and we estimate the task to take 4-5 months.
If you are interested, please contact:
Mathieu Blanchet:

September 24, 2024

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Bioinformatics Biology


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What makes a good learner?

The evolutionary ecology of cognition and memory in Caenorhabditis worms

We have two MSc projects (45-60 credits each) to investigate the evolution and ecology of cognition and transgenerational epigenetic memory in Caenorhabditis worms. With as few as c.a. 300 neurons, worms demonstrate a wide range of learning capabilities; they can associate olfactory cues with stress, learn to avoid pathogens, and can transmit their learned memory to their offspring (how convenient!). However, the regulation of their cognitive capacity remains unclear, and the ecology that facilitates the evolution of epigenetic memory inheritance is unknown.

Project 1: Being good at learning may seem universally beneficial. But is it? First, you can make mistakes. Second, there may be physiological costs associated with learning, forming memories, and keeping your nervous system in peak condition. Our recent results indicate that learning is regulated by the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway, but the capacity for RNAi-regulated learning may come with a potential fitness cost. This MSc project aims to investigate the costs of the active process of learning and memory inheritance using several RNAi mutants of Caenorhabditis elegans. 

Project 2: C. elegans worms learn to avoid pathogenic food (Pseudomonas bacteria) and can transmit the learned avoidance through epigenetic mechanisms (in this case, non-coding RNAs) to naïve progeny that have never encountered the pathogen. Such epigenetic memory inheritance has important implications in evolution, but its ecological relevance remains unclear – can other Caenorhabditis species that occupy different ecological niches inherit pathogenic memories? And how does worms’ microbial environment affect their response to pathogenic learning? This MSc project is part of a larger study, where we aim to investigate learning and epigenetic memory inheritance across Caenorhabditis species, as well as explore the interactions between the worms’ microbial environment and epigenetic memory inheritance.

Starting date: flexible

Required qualifications: Strong interests in evolutionary biology. No specific experience required.

Who are we?

We are three groups of researchers based in Lund University (Hwei-yen Chen), Uppsala University (Martyna Zwoinska), and Halmstad University (Martin Lind). Our shared interests include plasticity, cognition, life-history, and aging. Drop us a line if you’re interested in our projects, or if you would like to develop your own project with us!

Hwei-yen Chen,

Martin Lind,

Martyna Zwoinska,

September 18, 2024

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EvoCancer: Uncovering the role of life-history evolution in cancer suppression

Cancers are bad, but why do they occur?

The prevalence of cancer, or malignant neoplasia, varies across and within species. Theories argue that life-history trade-off underpins this variation and predict a negative correlation between lifespan and neoplasia prevalence, and a positive correlation between fertility and neoplasia prevalence.

This is because neoplasia increases mortality risk, and tumor suppression is important for survival. Therefore, organisms that invest more resources in survival could evolve better defense against neoplastic growth, leading to the evolution of longer lifespan and lower neoplasia prevalence. On the other hand, because resources are limited, organisms evolve to ‘trade off’ resources among traits (such as between survival and reproduction) to maximize their overall fitness. If fitness is increased by channeling more resources to reproduction (e.g., by increasing fertility) at the cost of lower resources for somatic maintenance, optimization of resource allocation could result in a concomitant increase in fertility and in neoplasia prevalence.

For this project, we will take advantage of the long-lived and short-lived selection lines of Drosophila melanogaster that are already available. We will examine neoplasia prevalence (in the intestine) in long-lived versus short-lived Drosophila melanogaster, and we will disentangle the genes underlying neoplasia defense and lifespan regulation using transcriptome analysis.

What you will learn: You will learn about evolutionary medicine and life-history evolution. You will gain experience on fly maintenance, molecular biology techniques, and bioinformatics skills (optional; if time allows and if you are interested).

Required qualifications: Interested in evolutionary biology and evolutionary applications. Willing to learn handle small insects and work in a lab setting. No other specific experience required.

Duration: 45-60 credits

Starting date: flexible

Contact: Hwei-yen Chen,

September 18, 2024

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Bioinformatics project: Epigenetics and Immunology

We are looking for a highly motivated project student with a specific interest in bioinformatics, omics profiling and immunology, to join our highly cooperative group at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience at Karolinska Institutet. Our group strives to unveil molecular mechanisms underlying Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a leading cause of progressive disability in young adults, and we currently have an opening for a student to join our project focusing on “Epigenetic regulation of the Human Leukocyte Antigen locus.”

Background of the project: The Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) locus is commonly involved in immunemediated conditions, such as MS, where the HLA-DR15 haplotype has been identified as a major genetic risk factor. Recent studies have highlighted that expression levels of HLA genes in antigen presenting cells (APCs), play a role in disease development. We have further demonstrated that epigenetic mechanisms, such as methylation of DNA, regulate expression of the gene in APCs from MS patients (Kular et al.). However, the mechanisms that drive the association of the HLA locus with MS are still not fully unraveled.

In the suggested project, we aim to decipher the epigenetic landscape of the HLA locus using a targeted approach, referred to as SureSelect Methyl-Seq Capture, which we, in collaboration with Agilent Technologies, have designed to specifically enrich the HLA class II locus and proximal promoters of immune- related genes (Kalomoiri et al.). We plan to apply this methodology to APCs in vitro to study epigenetic changes during activation. The project student will gain experience with processing of Methyl-Seq methylation data, which includes QC, read filter, mapping of reads to the reference genome, deduplication, and estimation of DNA methylation levels, differential methylation analysis and biological interpretation using gene ontology and Ingenuity Pathway analysis and Cytoscape. The project student will be introduced to compute servers and HPC environment for data analysis and primarily use R, Bash and Python languages. There will also be a possibility to join the library preparation process in the lab.

Supervisor team and learning environment: The Principal Supervisor Prof. Maja Jagodic, has wide expertise in neuroimmunology and functional (epi)genomics of MS. Co-supervisor Dr. Maria Needhamsen, a Senior Research Infrastructure Specialist, will assist the bioinformatics analyses and PhD Student Maria Kalomoiri, who conducted the experiments and generated the data, will support pathway analysis and interpretation of the results. The Jagodic group consists of approximately 15 members with a mix of experimental and bioinformatic skills located at the Center for Molecular Medicine (CMM), Karolinska Institutet in Solna. The student will furthermore have the possibility to join weekly meetings with the Karolinska Neuroimmunology & MS network (KNIMS, ca. 70 members), bioinformatics team, journal clubs, seminars etc.

Join us! Please contact head of bioinformatics team,, with your motivation letter and CV.

Project start: Spring semester 2025


Our research team at Karolinska institutet

September 11, 2024

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The role of stem cell capacity in life-history trade-offs

The most well-known life-history trade-off involves the survival cost of reproduction – reproduction (e.g., fertility, number of eggs) is commonly ‘costly’ in terms of future survival (i.e., longevity), so that we often observe a negative correlation between fertility and longevity.
At the heart of this trade-off is stem cell capacity – while stem cell maintenance is crucial for longevity (e.g., for tissue regeneration to repair damage), stem cell differentiation is required for fertility (i.e., to produce gametes). However, the role of stem cell capacity in life-history trade-off has not been investigated.
In this project, we will manipulate stem cell capacity in Drosophila melanogaster flies by controlling their oxygen-sensing conditions (e.g., by keeping them under different oxygen concentrations or by using transgenic flies), and we will investigate whether and how fertility, longevity, and (potentially) tissue repair differ between flies with high or low stem cell capacity.

What you will learn: You will learn about life-history evolution and molecular cell biology. You will gain experience on fly maintenance, animal crossing (!), fitness assays, and molecular biology techniques (op<onal; if <me allows and if you are interested).

Duration: 45-60 credits
Starting date: Fexible
Required qualifications: Strong interests in life-history evolution and molecular cell biology. Willing to learn handle small insects and work in a lab seCng. No other specific experience required.

Hwei-yen Chen,
Emma Hammarlund,
Courtney Stairs,

September 2, 2024

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